Please vote if you want to convince Microsoft to provide a modern API for WinRT.

In September, 2011, a user with the pseudo name jalf did a good suggestion to Microsoft through their user voice platform, here’s a part of his suggestion:

Now that WinRT has been unveiled, a lot of people have criticized the C++/CLI-like quasi-C++ that is the recommended way to interface with the API. And honestly, it looks reasonably nice. If we’re willing to give up all hopes of using another compiler than VC11, and don’t mind non-standard code in our C++ application, it seem a nice way to interface with WinRT.

It’s a good idea to use the modern C++  instead of using other syntax.  But after four years there’s no known plan from Microsoft to provide a Modern API for WinRT. However, there’s an initiative from Kenny Kerr to develop a modern API for WinRT. Here’s the description of his Modern API from his web site:

Modern is a header-only library designed to provide Standard C++ developers with first-class access to the modern Windows API. This includes complete support for the Windows Runtime as well as classic APIs such as DirectX.

And in its licensing web page we found:

If you work on the Microsoft Visual C++ team or if you are interested in sponsoring the Modern C++ Library please get in touch with Kenny Kerr.

Maybe the best way to support this initiative is to vote for Jalf’s suggestion in order to convince Microsoft to merge this API in the Visual C++ headers.

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